In his book Jesus' plan for the world, Richard Rhor states "Coveting
goods is what our entire culture is built on. Advertising creates desire after desire, salesmanship
create false need through advertising and marketing that leaves us wanting
things we do not need or really want". That's quite a bold statement but one we
need to reflect on in the light of the sermon on the mount. What does it mean to
hunger and thirst for righteousness? Make sure you're not satisfied is the
message keep yourself in a constant place of dissatisfaction. Prayer is a way
of keeping ourselves focused on what we really need, prayer helps us move
through superficial desire to holy desire but doesn't always satisfy. It raises
our consciousness of what we really need.
What we always need is God. It's always union, love, communion.
Which is why St Augustine says "Our hearts are restless until they find
their rest in God