
Monday, 24 January 2011

Saturday's long run went really well,  pleased with the progress I've made in a week. One 10mile run and a few shorter ones makes a difference.  perhaps this will help. A training plan for Reading must be the way forward. helpful to know that excercise is not a waste of time. it does help to make us healthier.
Our bodies are amazing! From the moment we are born they start to build a defensive shield to protect us against the onslaught of bacteria.  Our immune system hunts down invaders to the body and eliminates them.  It also protects us by developing anti-bodies and immunity to certain ‘nasties’ preventing us having the same illness again and again.
Building healthy eating and regular exercise into our lifestyles actually boosts our immune function!  Healthy people are ill less often, feel better in themselves, have more energy and are less stressed!  However when we run, especially if we’ve run hard, we a leave a window of low immunity open for a while. This can leave us more prone to bugs and illness.   That’s why it’s really important that us runners think about how we can minimise our risk of catching bugs – they play havoc with your running!  Finishing your run and then not refuelling adequately, going out for a run and then heading straight back into a warm, airconditioned, bacteria laden office with people coughing and spluttering, or not changing your clothes and being cold post-run really doesn’t help ward off the winter lurgy! So make healthy eating lifestyle choices.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

new start

Over the years I have had to motivate myself to train for a number of events. Although I would say only a half marathon I am not getting it together for Reading at this moment in time. Perhaps that's just it I am not feeling challenged, need change that frame of mind. Life's busy so what I need is a new strategy.  Not one for giving up easily, must put a workable routine in place. Yesterday's 10 miles was difficult but will get me on the right track. Managed 5 miles in the gym today another step in the right direction. It's also importatnt to eat and sleep well.  So here goes. I would recommend The Power of Full Engagement a audio book by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz  coupled with a desire to be out in God's beautiful world both help to motivate my training for the London Marathon last year,  must try reading that again. It's amazing how once you are out there the difference it makes to life's perspective.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

running out of time

Ever felt you are running out of time. Well my bible reading this morning was those words of wisdom from Solomon Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything under the sun. Time is not our enemy it is a gift from God to be manged with care. Therefore we should manage our energy instead. Let's see how that work. Firstly I didn't go running today which means my training plan for the Reading half marathon is not happening right now. I guess I can partly blame the snow, Christmas the New Year and today's work. Tomorrow is another day and I plan to start by running 8 miles and at least with a few good's night rest by the end of the week if I run each day I will be back on track. By next week I must be running minimum 35miles each week as well as keeping on track with everthing else that must be done. reading half marathon by the end of February I must decide whether to apply to run New York Marathon which is November 2011.