Holy Week is for me the most important week in the Christian calendar. It's not about buying and wrapping presents, going to parties, the last minute food shopping and waiting for Santa to come. Somehow there is a sense of wonder, a sense that something wonderful beyond human imagination is about to happen. I remember Easter as a child growing up being mesmerised by the story that Jesus had died on a cross for me, something I couldn't take on board but I just knew it was special.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and as I run through the streets of London I will imagine what it was like for Jesus as he came riding into Jerusalem with people lining the route welcoming him, singing hosanna to the King of Kings, in what was no doubt a very party like atmosphere. But of course very quickly everything changed - as someone put it this week he met a sticky end, and all to provide new life, new beginnings and fresh hope for the future.
I pray that this Holy Week and Easter will provide fresh hope for all who seek to find out more about the real Easter story.
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