
Saturday, 12 April 2014


The eve of the London Marathon and I'm busy getting ready for Holy Week.

Holy Week is for me the most important week in the Christian calendar. It's not about buying and wrapping presents, going to parties, the last minute food shopping and waiting for Santa to come.  Somehow there is a sense of wonder, a sense that something wonderful beyond human imagination is about to happen.  I remember Easter as a child growing up being mesmerised by the story that Jesus had died on a cross for me, something I couldn't take on board but I just knew it was special.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and as I run through the streets of London I will imagine what it was like for Jesus as he came riding into Jerusalem with people lining the route welcoming him, singing hosanna to the King of Kings, in what was no doubt a very party like atmosphere. But of course very quickly everything changed - as someone put it this week he met a sticky end, and all to provide new life, new beginnings and fresh hope for the future.
I pray that this Holy Week and Easter will provide fresh hope for all who seek to find out more about the real Easter story.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Mountains we must climb to find ourselves.

Sports accessories are a big industry nowadays, from mp3 players, Ipod’s, drinks carriers, and the more complex GPS watches there are all sorts of devices designed to make us faster, leaner and fitter. Having a GPS (sports watch) is described as an indispensable tool for runners. It does everything from monitoring your heart rate, pace and time to motivating you during your training runs with a virtual partner if you chose to have one. I have to admit that I find them useful but like the mobile phone I wonder how we would cope without them. Yesterday as usual before my run I switched on my GPS and waited for the satellite to be located, usually just a few seconds. However after a couple of minutes with the words ‘finding satellite’ I decided to get started, hoping it would kick in soon into the run, after all I was only going for a four mile run. Sadly it wasn’t to be by the time the satellite had been located I was well into the run and in fact only had 1.5 miles to go. I had managed quite well without it.
We have become so accustomed to these devices that it's difficult to cope without them. At first the thought of not been accompanied by my GPS to monitor my pace was pretty scary especially days from the marathon. I felt lost without it.  Relaxing into the run though made me realise that by checking and listening to my body I was able to manage the pace quite well without it, enjoying the run which was quite liberating. It felt like climbing a mountain in order to find out something about myself I already knew.
In different areas of our lives we can allow devices such as these to take over our lives and they can. Sometimes it’s good to rely on the bare essentials of God’s beautiful creation; you may be surprise at what you find, certainly you won't get the message 'lost satellite reception'.

Saturday, 29 March 2014


The best part of training for a marathon is tapering, reducing the mileage to get rested for the big day. Last weekend I ran the Eton Dorney half marathon, just one more race I thought to get me ready mentally for London, I was pleased with the result of 1.36.29 an improvement on Reading by about 2mins 30ses, yes every second counts at this stage. The bonus,winning the female vet category. Next week will feel normal again, I will enjoy the shorter hopefully slightly quicker runs, trying to emulate at some points what it will feel like in the race. It feels surreal at the moment but gradually reality hits especially when I have my running number in my hand. I am running the London marathon again. The training is nearly over and I am so grateful to have got this far. Please sponsor me, it
makes all the difference.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Another race another goal

My running week generally starts on a Saturday morning with a long run of between 12 -20 miles depending on whether I am training for a marathon. Each week I run six days with Friday as a rest day. Running is as much a mental effort as a physical one so it’s important to include time to concentrate on form. Mostly I use my Thursday run for that, when I think about the rhythm of my strides, my breathing pattern and pace.  This week I managed 46 miles in total, my aim was to run 55 by the end of the week, but things got in the way. So actually a lot about running and achieving your goal is about determination, endurance, and perseverance and of course commitment.
Life is crammed full of things that must be done and without the determination and the desire to focus on what matters we inevitably end up off track.  Perseverance then is key because with perseverance, surprising things happen.  The same is true for our Christian life somehow we expect to have this wonderful relationship with Jesus without the determination and perseverance to stay on track through bible study, prayer and quiet time because quite often we are afraid to commit. Lent is a time of self-denial, a time when we are called to focus outwards away from ourselves rather than inwards.  It is a time of desiring to know what God desires of us - the desire to desire in a way that enables us to overcome barriers.
God desires through us and longs for life and love through us and in us. Over the years I believe running has helped me to overcome some of the barriers that prevents us from consciously, deliberately and wholeheartedly seeking what God desires of us. I know without determination things won’t get off the ground, without perseverance and endurance I’ll end up giving up and of course committing to the journey is essential.
Tomorrow I will run my final long run of 20 miles plus before the Marathon and it will serve to mentally and physical prepare me for what lies ahead. My desire to finish the race will be acute but more importantly my desire to serve the community will be uppermost in my mind. For further information see previous blog.

Please sponsor me here:
You are never too late to set another goal or dream a new dream ~ C S Lewis.

Monday, 10 March 2014

To run or not to run

Training for a marathon is never easy, in fact quite often running the race itself can be far easier than executing a training plan. There are no shortcuts when it comes to building up strength, you have to go out and put in the mileage come rain or shine. I remember one Saturday morning going out on a long run in very cold icy conditions, when with about 2 miles to go the skies opened, the rain came and I was soaked to the skin, not much fun I can tell you.  I know some people say well it’s the taking part that counts so why train so hard and to a certain degree that’s true but actually the quality of the training determines the quality of the race. Why would you deliberately put yourself through the additional anguish that not training properly undoubtedly cause? My advice is to take it seriously and train, it will pay off.
Having said that training for me this time was difficult, so much so that three weeks ago I considered deferring my place until next year. I found out that the organisers in fact allow deferring (through injury or illness) up to a couple of days before race day. I decided to keep going and see how things progress. I have since ran the Reading half marathon and felt happy with the race, I ran well and completed the race in a fairly good time. So providing I’m able to keep on track with the remainder of the training, in five weeks’ time I will line up for my sixth London marathon. It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s as daunting as ever but once I’ve done all I can to prepare, the rest I will leave to God.
This time I am running to raise funds to build a new parish centre to support the work of the benefice of St Nicholas Hedsor and St Mark’s Bourne End. Our vision is to have a facility that serves the community well and enables both churches to reach as many families in the area as possible.
If you feel inspired you can sponsor me here

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4 v 13.